Privacy Policy
Love It! Products is devoted to maintaining your conviction concerning your personal data. This Privacy Policy explains what information we require and how we collect, use, share, and shield the data– both online and offline. Our policies are also intended to explain your choices regarding how we share your personal data and exchange a few words with you, how you can request access to and correction of your personal data, and other important concerns.

Personal Data
While making a purchase on our website, we may ask you to provide us with some recognizable information that can be used to know who you are. Personally identifiable information may include:

Username and Email address
First name and last name
Phone number
Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City
Cookies and Usage Data
Collection and Use
We use your data to support our non-profit mission and serve our membership. We are authorized to use your Personal Information to contact you with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials. We collect such data in a number of ways, including data we obtain by computerized means or from other sources.

We use managerial, practical, and corporeal security measures intended to safeguard personal data against unintentional, illegitimate, or unsanctioned destruction, loss, amendment, disclosure, or use.

We make every effort to make available reasonable choices regarding our collection, use, and sharing of the data we ask to you. We provide you access to examine and review your personal information, provide you options concerning how we share personal data with reliable service providers and unaffiliated non-profit companies, and offer you control over how we interact with you, among other choices.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
We can amend our policies any time. Customers will be informed prior to the change becoming effective. We let our customers know by posting the new policies on this web page.

Contact us
You may contact us round the clock as per your comfort and availability:
Email us at member@Love It!
Call us at